
black sand beach!

 one of the days we were in hawaii was a little rainy, so we decided to head out to the black sand beach at waipio valley.
and of course, we went there in styyyyle:

it was AMAZING. one of the coolest things we did while we were there.
and the foggy weather made the scenery even more beautiful!
we were one of the few that took the treacherous hike all the way down to the beach.
going down is STRAIGHT downhill...which means going back up= BRUTAL. hahah 

but here are some pictures of the black sand beach at waipio!

so we decided to try to hike to a waterfall off in the distance...MISTAKE
we climbed through like a mile of high rocks in SANDALS and then after a mile, we realized that there was no way we were getting all of the way there. it was still soooo far. HA
so instead, we took pictures on the rocks.

^and here's an example of the brutality of the rocks^
(and please notice taylor's bandaged toe--mentioned in previous post!)

^there's the waterfall---so far to go! hahah^

these next two pictures are in the coolest little spot where a river met the ocean!

^the crew^

^that beach!! the softest sand too!^

can life get more beautiful?
this day was seriously such a dream.

ONE last hawaii post! Sorry, it's taken me so long to get these pictures shared!
owning a house makes you BUSY
can't wait to share more of our home, too.

ohhh, and an unforgettable story coming later this week. HA 


  1. You're making me want to be in Hawaii right now!!! Good thing I have a cruise to Mexico coming up in a couple weeks... :) Hey, do you have eyelash extensions? Where do you get yours done at, and what kind do you have? I live in Salt Lake, but am willing to drive to someone good!! I've never had them before, but am thinking about it.. are they hard to take care of?

  2. I can't even imagine these black sand beaches!! I definitely need to get there! I definitely cringed at the Rock brutality though! OUCH!

  3. okay so the beach doesn't even look soft (just because it's black I guess?) and also you guys are the CUTEST.
